Male condoms

Description: The male condom is designed to collect semen and stop it from entering the vagina. It’s currently the only form of contraception available for men in Australia. The male condom is made of rubber or polyurethane.

Effectiveness: A male condom is up to 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. The reason that it is not 100% effective is that some people use it incorrectly, for example; they do not take the correct procedures to putting it on or they may use one with holes and tears.

How to use a male condom:
1. Carefully open the packet and slide the condom out, (be sure not to tear it with your teeth as it can damage the condom).
2. Squeeze the tip of the condom and unroll the condom down the penis.
3. During sex, occasionally check that the condom is still on.
4. After sex, hold onto the condom at the base of the penis, pull it off slowly so that no semen leaks out, while the penis is still erect.
5. Wrap the condom up and throw it in the bin

*Reduces STI’s
*They have no health risks
*They’re widely available from pharmacies, supermarkets and vending machines, at a low cost.

*To be effective it must be put on before any sort of genital contact
*Some people are allergic to lubricant
*Can reduce sensitivity for some people