Female Condoms

Description: The female condom fits into the vagina preventing semen from entering and is made of polyurethane. There is an inner ring which helps to insert the condom and an outer ring which remains outside the vagina, pushed against the vaginal lips.

Effectiveness: A female condom is 95% effective a little lower then a male condom, the main risk in both male and female condoms, is using the condom incorrectly.

How to use a female condom:
1. Gently open the packet
2. Grasp the inner ring between your thumb and middle finger firmly
3. Squeeze the ring together
4. Slide the ring into your vagina, as far as you would for a tampon, there should be no discomfort
5. Check that the outer ring is outside your vagina
6. To remove, twist the outer ring and pull gently making sure the semen is kept inside
7. Wrap the condom and throw it in the bin

*Reduces STI’s
*Offers an alternative for women
*Are better for sensitivity, compared to male condoms
*Can be bought without prescription
*If wanted, can be inserted a while before sex
*Suitable for people allergic to latex
*Don’t require withdrawal immediately after climax

*The penis may slip between the condom and the vaginal wall
*The cost of a female condom is higher then that of a male condom

Note: If condom has failed after sex (e.g. broken) emergency contraception can be used and bought over the counter at most pharmacies.
The sooner you take it the better!